Artists at work
Monday, September 26 2011
Today I got to help do art in Adam's class. In our school district parent volunteers come in and teach from a program called Art Masterpiece. It is actually really cool.
Today they talked about Vincent van Gogh and his
Starry Night painting. They talked about how it showed depth by showing the things far away smaller and the things closer bigger. Then the assignment was to do an Arizona Starry Night drawing.
Artist at work.....again
Tuesday, September 27 2011
Today I want to Zoey's class for Art. Today I was in charge and got to teach the lesson. We learned about
Helen Frankenthaler and how she dripped and drizzled paint instead of applying it with a brush.
Since I was trying to keep 54 little hands from making a big mess I didn't get any pictures during the actual project. I snapped this quick pic at the end of the day as the teacher was reading Junie B. Jones
And then I coerced Zoey to stand by some of the pictures after class. It was a fun project buy boy it was a messy one to try and do with 27 kindergarten students!
Chino Bandido
Wednesday, September 28 2011
Today was Parent-Teacher conference. Our appointments were just before lunch, so afterwards we told the kids we would treat them to lunch for getting such good reviews from their teachers.
The kids picked
Chino Bandido.Every time we eat here they feel it neccessary to climb on the Panda Bear.
We were first introduced to Chino Bandido by Mike's oldest sister when she used to live in AZ and we were visiting them for Thanksgiving. We went there for dinner after she had taken us to Ikea, my very first visit to any Ikea ever, I might add.
One of her kids peed her pants while at Ikea, so we had to stop at Target on our way to dinner to buy her some new pants.
And then a second child peed her pants in the bathroom at Chino Bandido.
Aw, memories.
Thursday, September 29 2011
We showed up today to check out progress on the house and the door was yellow. Mustard Yellow. I'll admit, I had NO clue it was going to be that color.
Steamies Vs. Diesels
Friday, September 30, 2011
We decided to take the kids out to the park tonight and ended up at a park we'd never been to before. And so it was much to our surprise to find out the park had a train track running through the park. Which meant, of course, that the kids felt the need to follow it to see where it went.
While making the trek around the track the train came around the corner. As it approached Adam yelled out "It's a steam engine!!!" Mike says, "I'm pretty sure it runs on Diesel." Adam got very serious at this point, looked at his father and said matter of factly, "I am certain it is a steam engine. Just you wait and see. I'm serious." Somebody has clearly watched too much Thomas the Tank Engine.
Sunset Tow
Saturday, October 1 2011
Today we made a run to Target. We just needed a few things and the kids so DIDN'T want to go. So we decided that if they promised to just watch a movie that maybe they were getting old enough to stay home alone for short periods of time.
So of course our quick trick to Target turned into an unforeseen ordeal.
When we came out the car wouldn't start. AT. ALL. There was a guy sitting in his car next to us so we asked him to give us a jump. The car started and we thought all was well.
We drove a little way down the street and at the first stop light the car quit again.
The guy in the car behind us helped Mike push it around the corner out of the intersection and up the curb out of the way. But now what? We only have 1 car. We don't even know any of our neighbors so we don't have anybody to call to come retrieve us. And our kids are home alone! I call Enterprise rental because they are the ones who advertise they'll come pick you up....but they are already closed for the day.
We ended up calling our insurance's roadside assistance number for a tow truck, which we then had to wait a little over an hour for.
Once the tow truck arrived the insurance company authorized the tow truck to take us to Walmart because it was just around the corner and the only place still open after 6:00 on a Saturday.
Of course, unless it was the battery we'd have to have it towed somewhere else on Monday since Walmart is not a full service automotive shop.
Turns out it was the battery. Which was less then a year old. And we bought from Walmart in the first place. Which means it was under warranty. So they replaced it for free and we were able to drive home.
And the kids? They didn't even notice we had been gone that long because they were so engrossed in whatever they were watching on TV.
Conference Sunday
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Today was the
semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Which, when you live in Utah, means you get to stay home and watch church on TV in your pj's. But now that we are in AZ I wasn't sure if we were going to be able to watch it at home since we don't have satellite or cable.
But we do have a
Roku. And one of the available Roku channels is
BYU TV. I can watch live programming via our Roku, and they were broadcasting conference. So we got to stay home in our pj's after all. Yea!